Our business, structure and supply chain

Farmfoods Limited, including Farmfoods Distribution Limited, is an owner-managed, national retailer of food and associated items. We operate four distribution centres and more than 300 stores nationwide, all of which are managed directly. Our supply chain consists of a wide variety of food manufacturers, supplying us with branded and own-branded goods.

Slavery and human trafficking policy

Our policy is not to employ, cause to be employed nor profit from people who are enslaved or have been trafficked.

We expect our suppliers to operate a similar policy and to take responsibility for implementing it thoroughly. We expect our suppliers to represent to us on these matters and to be transparent in their dealings with us and respond to any enquiries we raise.

Risk assessment and due diligence processes

The part of our business most exposed to the risk of slavery and human trafficking is suppliers from whom we source food from abroad.

We obtain the slavery and human trafficking policy of each of our suppliers, together with representation from suppliers that reasonable efforts have been made to comply with the policy.

To date, we have found no suppliers of concern.


We consider that an awareness and understanding of the legislation by the people involved in dealing with and obtaining representations from suppliers is adequate training for our staff and the board of directors are satisfied that the relevant staff in our organisation have sufficient knowledge.

Management Responsibility

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending December 2020.

The statement has been approved by our Board of Directors who will review and update it annually.

Signed: George Herd

Position: Managing Director

Dated: June 2024